Episode 19: Wherein We Commune With the Spirits

Exie Susanne Smith

Exie Susanne SmithAuthor, medium, and paranormal investigator Exie Susanne Smith joined us this week to discuss her lifetime of experience with the paranormal. Exie talked about the dramatic experience she had with a malevolent entity at the age of twelve that catapulted her into a life of studying paranormal phenomena and ultimately becoming a medium and described how she receives her psychic impressions and talked about the different categories of discarnate entities. I found her to be unlike a lot of other mediums in that she is very pragmatic in her approach and dispenses with much of the New Age trappings rife within the discipline. The spirits couldn’t seem to stay away from this interview and caused a lot of disruption and audio issues…to the point that we had to stop, cleanse both locations, and start the whole interview over! Even then, a few managed to creep in and cause mischief. Currently, Exie offers her services pro bono to those in need who are experiencing spirit-related difficulties. You can also book Exie for telephone or in person readings, group events, or speaking engagements. If you’ve ever wanted to hear a frank and no-nonsense account of how a medium does their thing, this is the interview you’ll want to hear. Exie has written two books: Welcome to My Paranormal Life and When the Dead Come Calling, both available via the links below. Exie’s third book, The Essence of Death will be available soon.

Exie’s Website
Exie’s Schedule of Events (be sure and click “All” to populate the calendar)

Jason LuxonDoubtless, you’ve seen the many articles making the rounds concerning the Chinese experiment in which it’s being claimed that scientists have successfully teleported a photon from the ground to Earth orbit. I tapped the Salvage Yard’s science advisor Jason Luxon to explain just what happened. Jason shed a lot of light on the Chinese experiment and explained exactly what did and did not happen. We discussed both the scientific and magickal ramifications and where this new step could lead us scientifically and culturally.

Roni Jean NealNext up, I spoke with Roni Jean Neal who, coincindentally, happens to be engaged in her own extensive research and magickal experimentation along similar lines. Roni discussed her discovery of “keys” to open up portals to other realms that enable her to bring two or more resonances together. Roni spoke about the role quantum entanglement plays in her magickal paradigm and provided a lot of material to consider in such a short time. Please visit the project Roni spearheads, the CMG Learning Annex on Facebook to find out more of what she has to offer, as well as the other fantastic instructors.

Big, big changes are in the works for the Salvage Yard! Please continue to send your occult-related art, whatever form it may take, for inclusion in the Eldritch Vault. Let me know what you’d like to see in the future. This podcast is for YOU. Send your suggestions and/or comments to feedback@ancientwisdomsalvageyard.com or text/leave a voicemail at (313) 444-9776. Would you like to be a guest on the show or have a suggestion for a future guest? Let me know!

Love you guys.


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