Episode 18: Wherein Science and Myth Collide

Jason Luxon

Jason LuxonThis week, we conclude our talk with Jason Luxon begun last week. Click here for Part 1 and Jason’s information and links.


Steph LoopsNext, we talked with Steph Loops about her unique style of Mythology Magick and the mysterious entities she has found herself mixed up with in the form of stick puppets. Steph discussed the circumstances surrounding her introduction to the “Kreeps”, as well as her quest to track down their maker. This led to a wider discussion of the ancient origins of puppetry and magick and also of little known places of power throughout the United States. Steph has requested anyone with knowledge that could help lead her to the Kreeps’ creator get in touch with her. Visit Kreepo’s Imaginareum to see photos and follow the story as it unfolds. This is a brand new website, so please keep checking back as more information is added! Soon to be updated in the Imaginareum is more information on Steph’s upcoming book, Skipping Truck School with Autumn Rain.

At the beginning of the show, I covered a couple of items that caught my eye in the news…

Big, big changes are in the works for the Salvage Yard! Please continue to send your occult-related art, whatever form it may take, for inclusion in the Eldritch Vault. Let me know what you’d like to see in the future. This podcast is for YOU. Send your suggestions and/or comments to feedback@ancientwisdomsalvageyard.com or text/leave a voicemail at (313) 444-9776. Would you like to be a guest on the show or have a suggestion for a future guest? Let me know!

Love you guys.


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