Episode 16: Wherein We Branch Out and Dance with the Morrigan

Stephen Branch

Stephen BranchFirst, we spoke to Stephen Branch, a magician and self-described loudmouth and motivator. Stephen discussed his unusual introduction to magick, his evolving occult philosophy, and his involvement in the Domus Kaotica/Marauder Underground. Stephen went on to talk about his new podcast Branch Out, as well as his forays into music and plans for an eventual occult record label. The A.A.O. and the Work of Charis are two occult discussion groups begun by Stephen, intended to foster self-improvement and positive change within occulture. *NOTE: Since the time of this interview, Stephen Branch has announced a hiatus from all social media in order to focus on personal magickal endeavors. For the time being, the Branch Out podcast is offline.

Achija Branvin Sionnach

Achija Branvin SionnachNext up was Achija Branvin Sionnach, a hermetic polytheist, musician, and martial artist hailing from Virginia. Achija talked about his early Christian upbringing, and eventual drift into polytheism. In speaking about what it means to be a “hermetic polytheist”, Achija spoke about his devotion to the Morrigan and what that entails. Also discussed were Achija’s involvement with Historical European Martial Arts, and his dedication to music. In addition, Achija demonstrated his ability to speak in tongues. Wrapping up the interview, he spoke about his enchanted bookbinding service, SpellBound Bookbinding, as well as a new project, 54 Devils, and put out the call for help from listeners with information about playing card lore. Achija can be contacted at achija@vt.edu.

Before the interviews, I talked about the city node that Roni, Tszura, Stan, Jack, and I set up in Detroit for Chelseanacht 2017 and the subsequent ritual that took place for Operation: Trojan Storm. As promised, here is the link to the map of the Detroit Node

Detroit City Node

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Also, if you have a a tale of the uncanny, weird, or terrifying variety, please get in touch if you’d like that tale told on the Halloween show!

Big, big changes are in the works for the Salvage Yard! Please continue to send your occult-related art, whatever form it may take, for inclusion in the Eldritch Vault. Let me know what you’d like to see in the future. This podcast is for YOU. Send your suggestions and/or comments to feedback@ancientwisdomsalvageyard.com or text/leave a voicemail at (313) 444-9776. Would you like to be a guest on the show or have a suggestion for a future guest? Let me know!

Love you guys.

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