Episode 14: Wherein Tommie Kelly Calls Upon the Forty Servants

Tommie Kelly

Tommie KellyArtist, writer, musician, podcaster, and occultist Tommie Kelly joined us this week to share his perspective on a variety of topics and to talk about his current projects. Tommie is the creator of the now-legendary blog, Adventures in Woo Woo and he shared the story of how it came about, and talked about his philosophy when it comes to media and art. An accomplished graphic artist, Tommie is the author of a number of graphic novels, including his hypersigil work Them, The Holy Numbers, Road Crew: Not Everyone Can Be a Rockstar!, and For Sale: A Road Crew Book. We also discussed Tommie’s latest project, The Forty Servants, which is both a system of divination and “pantheon” of servitors to assist in rituals and magickal endeavors. Since the recording of this interview, The Grimoire of the Forty Servants has gone to print.


Tommie’s Podcast

The Forty Servants Facebook Page
The Adventures in Woo Woo Facebook Page
Tommie Kelly’s Twitter
Before the interview, I talked about a couple of stories I found interesting. First, there’s the documentary Unacknowledged by filmmaker Michael Mazzola, which alleges that Marilyn Monroe was murdered due to her knowledge of the UFO coverup and intention to leak classified documents to the public.

Also, I talked about the Haunted Object 3-D Scanning Initiative…a project being run by the Traveling Museum of the Paranormal & Occult. The Scanning Initiative seeks to establish a comprehensive database of haunted objects, but the team has had a few problems with spirits who aren’t so enthusiastic about being scanned…

Finally, last week, I mentioned a project of mine that wasn’t quite ready for Prime Time. Well, it’s now complete, and as promised, here are the pictures of my enchanted object. The item is designed to open doorways between worlds, inspired by a post from 2016 by Ryan Loyd. Bound into the object is a copy – or, the essence of – the Gate Keeper from The Forty Servants. I detail everything on the show.

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Here’s the orignal post from Ryan:

So, the Gate trick. It’s a useful little thing for altering consciousness in a more active manner than sitting around the house meditating and such. So what you do is find an arch, a doorway…somewhere that two trees come together…any Between Place will do. Then you do something to Open it – be it a simple ritual, word, gesture, whatever (just a mental trick to help you believe that you’re actually doing something- which you are, but most people require the trick). I often knock three times on whatever I’ve decided is a door, then step through in the full conscious intentional faith that I am stepping into a different reality. Now, if done correctly, the world should be a couple of degrees “off” (sometimes more than a couple, but mostly it’s a subtle difference, much like the world in the midst of a ritual is “different”). I find, when it works, an increase in synchronicity, an increase in stumbling upon interesting people, places, and things of magickal or spiritual significance, and in general a more magickal adventure quality to my ramblings (among other interesting effects). My brother and I have done this for years (and I’ve managed to drag others along for the ride on occasion) and we’ve debated for a long time what we’re actually doing, with thoughts ranging from exploration of the near-astral with the mind while up and running about, to finding an easy way to catch the “flow”, to finding a way into traditional Faerie or something similar. Whatever the case, it’s a great trick for those who are seeking a more “hands on” and active magickal existence. It can be helpful to use small amounts of intentionally applied perceptional lubricant, but it’s not necessary by any means. It’s also beneficial to follow your intuition, and look for “the path” once you manage to pop through. If you try too hard you’ll just wind up back in the “normal world” again. Now, what does this have to do with Ellis? If you can walk deep into the magickal resonance of a place, you more effectively bind that into your tag. Want to haunt a place? Well, you open a Gate or a Door into a ghost story, keep going ’til you’re genuinely frightened, then tag it. Want to make a special place more magickal? Open a gate, and keep going ’til you’ve found the deep magick, and the spirits watch you from the walls, and it thrums within your spirit and you Know you’re standing in a magick place – then tag it.

Big, big changes are in the works for the Salvage Yard! Please continue to send your occult-related art, whatever form it may take, for inclusion in the Eldritch Vault. Let me know what you’d like to see in the future. This podcast is for YOU. Send your suggestions and/or comments to feedback@ancientwisdomsalvageyard.com or text/leave a voicemail at (313) 444-9776. Would you like to be a guest on the show or have a suggestion for a future guest? Let me know!

Love you guys.



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