Episode 17: Wherein Jason Luxon Blinded Me with Science (Part One)

Jason Luxon

Jason LuxonA scientist, having worked under several Federal contracts for companies including NASA, the TSA, the Department of Justice, the United States Postal Service, Lockheed Martin, and the Washington State Senate, Jason Luxon is also a magician par excellence. Jason talked about his early life, having been raised by magickal practitioner parents, and his subsequent training in the hermetic tradition, and then Sean Ciall druidry. Jason went on to discuss various scientific disciplines and projects and how science and magick can dovetail with fascinating results. Among these topics were faster-than-light travel, time travel, the energy body, building a device to measure magickal energy, the Luxon Engine, and a whole lot more. He also talked about a project that he has in the works to develop “Lab Manuals” to help occultists take a structured approach to their esoteric development. Jason Luxon has the mind of a scientist, but the heart of a poet and I was very fortunate to have the opportunity to speak with him. There was far too much material to cram into one episode, so look for the conclusion to this interview next week! Jason has consented to be the official science advisor to the Ancient Wisdom Salvage Yard, so expect to hear from him frequently in the future!


Mentioned in this episode…

The Saga of John Titor

Mike “Madman” Marcum

Thee Temple ov Psychick Youth

The Specularium


Electromagnetic Waves

The Lorenz Force

The Hall Effect

James Clerk Maxwell

Faraday’s Law

Ampere’ Law

Gauss’s Law

Lenz’s Law Part 1

Lenz’s Law

Big, big changes are in the works for the Salvage Yard! Please continue to send your occult-related art, whatever form it may take, for inclusion in the Eldritch Vault. Let me know what you’d like to see in the future. This podcast is for YOU. Send your suggestions and/or comments to feedback@ancientwisdomsalvageyard.com or text/leave a voicemail at (313) 444-9776. Would you like to be a guest on the show or have a suggestion for a future guest? Let me know!

Love you guys.




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