Episode 28: Wherein We Draw Back the Veil on COVID-19
Roni Jean Neal • Artemis Stranger
In this episode, we're looking at the COVID-19 pandemic through an occult lens. Join Roni Jean Neal, Artemis, and I in peering at the psychospiritual underpinnings of our reactions to the crisis to the celestial events influencing our world. There's a lot going on just under the skin of consensus reality, and we've uncovered a bit of that.
Roni Jean neal is a psychic sensitive, magician, and personal existence consultant. She is the owner and operator of Harnessing Intent Consultations where she guides people in navigating their lives specifically to help them align their daily habits and thought patterns with their goals and Calling. When you're truly ready to make things happen in your world, she can help you do so quicker, more effectively, and with a more thorough foundation under your actions. Roni is also a co-creator of the Triptych of Planet JWow, which hosts classes and growth labs for individuals. You can catch her on the daily show A New View with the Triptych of Planet JWow on Facebook. You can contact Roni on Facebook and Instagram.
Roni Jean Neal
Artemis Stranger is a seasoned astrologer and writer of the Cult of Perception blog and provides astrological and Tarot divination services. Artemis can also be reached on Facebook and Instagram.
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