Episode 6: Wherein We Interview Ryan Loyd, Wizard (Part 2) (Extended)
Ryan Loyd
This week, we finish out our interview with Ryan Loyd: writer, storyteller, creative problem solver, artist, artificer, weaponsmith, occult advisor...and WIZARD. I had to split this interview up into two parts due to the ridiculous number of topics we covered.
Ryan has a lot of experience and has done much to push the boundaries of magickal practice. In this, the second half of our discussion, we delve deeper into a multitude of topics.
I also presented Part 2 of Nightgaunt's Quick and Dirty Introduction to Sigils, where I described some of the specific techniques I use. I hope it's helpful - or at least interesting - for you! Finally, I talked a bit about the time and financial constraints of producing this podcast and announced a change to a biweekly format. I think this will be a good thing all around; it will permit me the time I need to properly produce a quality show, arrange interviews, etc. and free up more time for family and business. Thanks for listening, everyone!
The Storyteller Way Blog - storytellerway.com
Ryan's YouTube Channel - youtube.com
Feral Alchemy - facebook.com
Spoken Word - bandcamp.com
The Chaos Magick Learning Annex - facebook.com
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